My writing has been a learning process and a labor of love. It has taken time and effort to develop my skills.
Below is a list of meetings, conferences, workshops, and online classes I have attended or completed. Some were local, some were in Comfort, TX, (20 miles away) some were in Austin or San Antonio, TX, (70 miles away) one was in Abilene, TX, (175 miles) and some were online.
Now you know I’m not much of a traveler.
But in this cursed or blessed computer age we live in, learning is available to anybody who has a computer. As I work to keep my skills current, I’ve been rewarded with encouragement, inspiration, and friendship at every turn!

February 26, 2020 - I attend the Johnson City Library's 12th Annual Writer's Conference, "Using Life Experience to Improve Your Writing," featuring speakers Christopher Brown, Donna Johnson, and Lowell Mick White.
November 02, 2019 - I attend the Writers' League of Texas writers event, "The Craft and Business of Writing," at the Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library in Kerrville, Texas with speakers/authors Michael Noll and Becka Oliver.
March 02, 019 - I attend the Texas Writes Event at the Harper Public Library with author/speakers Natalia Sylvester and Ryan Maresca.
February 27, 2019 - I attend the Johnson City Library 11th Annual Writer's Conference: Communicating with Comedy with author/speakers Joe Nick Patoski and Ben Rehder.
November 03, 018 - I attend the Fredericksburg Writers Conference Agent Consultation Conference with author/speakers Eva Pohler, Tom Hutton, Ken Esten Cooke, Christine Granados, and literary agent Jeanie Loiacono.
September 20, 2018 - I attend the Fredericksburg Writers Conference with speaker Marc Hess on the topic of how to pitch to a literary agent.
March 17, 2018 - I attend the Writers League of Texas Texas Writes Event at the Mason County library to hear authors Amy Gentry speak on "What's My Motivation?: Plotting Thrillers and Mysteries From the Inside Out" and Donna M. Johnson speak on "But Seriously: The Use of Humor in Personal Narrative.
March 1, 2018 - I attend the Fredericksburg Writers Conference to hear journalists Barbara Elmore and Phil Houseal.
February 28, 2018 - I attend the Johnson Coity Library's 10th Writers Conference, "Let's Get Published" to hear authors Donna Janell Bowman (The Publication Journey: Craft, Business, and Financial Realities), Christina Soontornvat (Querying and Working with Literary Agents), and Sheryl Smith-Rodgers (Write Great NOW!).
February 22, 2017 - I attend the Johnson City Library's 9th Writers Conference, "Agents, Editors, and Authors" with speakers agent Mark Falkin (Falkin Literary Agency), Michael Noll (nonfiction author), and Bill Cotter (fiction author). I had a critique with Mark Falkin.
December 10, 2016 - I attend the Writing and Publishing 101 workshop sponsored by the Kerr Arts & Cultural Center to hear literary agent and author, Johnnie Bernhard speak and to receive a personal critique from her of one of my picture books.
September 15, 2016 - I attend the Writer's League of Texas Texas Writes event at the Herman Brown Free Library in Burnet, Texas, to hear speakers Donna Johnson - Whose Truth is it Anyway? The Role of Poetic License in Memoir and Carol Dawson - Mutable Memory: How We Shape and Re-Shape the Past.
February 24, 2016 - I attend the Johnson City Library's 8th Writers Conference "Place as Character" with speakers Michael Hall (nonfiction), Liz Garton Scanlon (youth fiction), and Amanda Erye Ward (fiction). I workshop with Liz Garton Scanlon.
January 21, 2016 - I attend the Fredericksburg Writers Conference Quarterly Meeting to hear published author and speaker, James Kearney.
October 3, 2015 - I attend the Llano County Library Author Extravaganza and Book Fair as a bookseller and signed copies of my book. I also heard speaker Leila Meacham and attended her workshop, as well as Becca Oliver's (Writer's League of Texas) workshop.
August 22, 2015 - I attend the Texas Writes event at the Butt-Holdsworth Memorial Library in Mason, Texas, to hear speakers Carol Dawson - How to Find and Shape the Story Arc When Writing History: Locating Conflict, Defining Character, Unfolding the Action and Carol Flake Chapman - Truth or Dare, Telling the Truth, the Whole Truth, and Nothing but the Truth in a Memoir can be Risky.
April 13, 2015 - I attend the Texas Writers Conference at Schreiner University in Kerrville, Texas to hear speaker Bret Anthony Johnston who is the Director of Creative Writing at Harvard University.
Feb. 25, 2015 - I attend the 7th Annual Johnson City Writers Conference, "Aspects of Good Writing," to hear authors Diane Gonzales Bertrand, Owen Egerton, and Stephen Harrigan, with Becka Oliver as facilitator.
Jan. 22, 2015 - I attend the Fredericksburg Writers Conference to hear published author, Sheila Kale speak on Unforgettable Connections.
Dec. 6, 2014 -I attend the Texas Writers Workshop at the Comfort
Public Library in Comfort, Texas, sponsored by the Writers' League of
Texas to hear authors Carol Dawson - Pickling Memory, Salting Tradition,
Preserving the Past: The Art of Researching and Writing Your Own Story,
Your Family’s Stories, and The Lives of Your Community and Meg Gardiner -
Writing a Killer Story, with Becka Oliver as facilitator.
Nov. 8, 2014 - I attend the Texas Writers Workshop at the Llano Public Library in Llano, Texas, sponsored by the Writers' League of Texas to hear authors Owen Egerton and Amanda Eyre Ward, with Suzy Spencer as facilitator.
Sept. 25, 2014 - I attend the Fredericksburg Writers Conference meeting to hear speaker Ken Esten Cooke, editor of the Fredericksburg Standard newspaper
July 23 & 24, 2014 - I attend a class at Texas Tech University "How to Write a Query Letter" taught by Christine Granados
June 28, 2014 - I attend a Shameless Self-Promotion Workshop with author/speaker Eva Pohler in Fredericksburg, Tx
June 21, 2014 - I attend one day of a three-day writers retreat with Christian author/speaker, Jane Rubietta "For the Writer Within You" at The Haven River Inn in Comfort, Texas
March 27, 2014 - I attend the 2nd quarter meeting of the Fredericksburg Writers Conference to hear speakers Jami Carroll and Phil Housel.
February 19, 2014 - I attend the 7th Annual Johnson City Library Writers Conference to hear Valerie Gaumont, Eva Poehler, and Pamela Fagan Hutchins.
January 9, 2014 - I attend Fredericksburg Writers Conference 1st quarter meeting to hear speaker, Eva Poehler.
October 12, 2013 - I speak at the Johnson City Successful Self-Publishing Workshop at the Johnson City library along with Valerie Gaumont, Elizabeth Garcia, and Joanne MacIntyre.
September 26, 2013 - I attend the Fredericksburg Writers Conference held at the Hill Country University Center to hear featured speaker, Antionette van Heugten.
June 27, 2013 - I was a featured speaker at the second Fredericksburg Writers Conference, held at the Hill Country University Center, talking on the subject of entering writing contests.
March 28, 2013 - I attended the first Fredericksburg Writers Conference held at the Hill Country University Center to hear romance writer Pamela Morsi and YA author Eva Pohler.
February 23, 2013 - I attended the 5th Annual Johnson City Writers Event with speakers Greg Garrett, Suzy Spencer, and Joe Nick Patoski
February 16, 2013 - I attended a writers session featuring Christian nonfiction author, Jane Rubietta at the Fredericksburg United Methodist Church.
October 27, 2012 - I read two of my poems at the Dos Gatos Press 2013 Texas Poetry Calendar poetry reading at The Twig Book Shop in San Antonio, TX.
September 8, 2012 - I completed an online poetry writing course on Contemporary Woman Poets, led by Lorraine Mejia-Green and sponsored by Story Circle Network.
Aug. 4, 2012 - I spoke about poetry at a Johnson City Library writer's workshop, "Idea to Reality - Taking an Idea and Turning it into a Publishable Work" along with Valerie Gaumont, JoAnne MacIntyre, and Patti Morgan.
July 17, 2012 - I led a book review at the Johnson City Library for Naomi Shihab Nye's book, Is This Forever or What? Poems and Paintings from Texas and my own chapbook, Selected Published Poems.
April 3-5, 2012 - I attended four workshops at the Writers Conference in Kerrville, TX, at Schreiner University with Kirpal Gordon, Thom the Moon, and Anne Schneider.
March 14, 2012 - I attended and read at the Johnson City Library sponsored poetry reading at Chantilly Lace bed and breakfast inn.
March 12, 2012 - I attended and read at the Johnson City Library Poetry Slam.
March 10, 2012 - I attended the Christian Writers Group of Greater San Antonio Message, Ministry and Momentum Conference with author/speaker Sharon Norris Elliott.
Feb. 29, 2012 - I attended the 4th Annual Johnson City, TX, Writers Event with authors/speakers James Haley, Jen Ziegler, and Carol Dawson.
Jan. 19, 2012 - I spoke at the Heart of Texas Writers group in Brady, TX, about writing, contesting and publishing poetry.
July 28, 2011 - Book signing for my chapbook, Selected Published Poems, at "Art in the Garden" event at The Herb Farm in Fredericksburg, TX.
June 25, 2011 - Attended Christian Writers Group of Greater San Antonio Summer Saturday Seminar with author, Steven James.
May 05, 2011 - I spoke at San Antonio Writers Guild about how/where to sell small pieces, particulary poetry, for money.
April 02, 2011 - I was a featured poetry reader at Forrest Fest Preview Party in Austin, TX.
Feb. 08, 2011 – Attended 3rd Annual Johnson City Library Writer’s Event with poet Scott Wiggerman, true crime author Suzy Spencer, and YA author April Lurie.
Jan. 02, 2011 – Completed working through poetry book The Art and Craft of Poetry by Michael Bugeja with local poetry group.
Oct., 05 2010 – Completed working through poetry book Poemcrazy by Susan Wooldridge with local poetry group.
Sept. 23, 2010 – I spoke at Abilene Writers Guild monthly meeting, “30 Ways to Write Poetry Without Losing Your Reader (or Your Lover!)"
Sept. 18, 2010 – Attended SCBWI-SWTX 2010 Editor’s Day Conference in San Antonio with editor Julie Ham from Charlesbridge, editor Sarah Schumway from HarperCollins, and author Carmen Tafolla.
July 16-17, 2010 – Attended Christian Writer’s Group of San Antonio workshop: “Hearts and Craft” with author Janice Hanna Thompson.
July 13, 2010 – Attended FISD Community Ed class with author Dena Dyer on “Join the World of Social Media.”
July 06, 2010 – Attended Community Ed class with author Dena Dyer on “Book Proposal Blitz.”
May 11, 2010 – Attended 2nd Annual Johnson City Writers Event with nonfiction author Bill Minutaglio, children’s author Bethany Hegedus, and author Greg Garrett.
Mar. 25, 2010 – Completed six week poetry class through FISD Community Ed with Certified Poetry Therapist Lianne Mercer: “Our Poetry Connection: Making Poems, Inviting Meaning”
Feb. 7, 2010 – Heard author Cecil Murphey speak in Fredericksburg, Texas.
Oct. 2, 2009 – Completed online poetry course through Women on Writing with poet Melanie Faith “Poetic Explorations in Memory, Love & Longing, Loss, and The Natural World & Awakening.”
Aug. 4, 2009 – Became a founding member of Johnson City Writers, Johnson City, Texas.
July 3, 2009 – Completed 4-week online poetry course, “Poetic Passion: Image, Story, Line, & Language” with instructor poet Melanie Faith through Women on Writing Classes & Workshops.
June 18, 2009 – Attended 1st Annual Writer's Event in Johnson City, TX, with authors Diana Lopez, Mark G. Mitchell, and Tweed Scott.
Aug. 7, 2008 – Attended FISD Community Ed class, “The Organized Writer,” taught by author Dena Dyer.
July 24, 2008 – Attended FISD Community Ed class, “The 15 Minute Writer.” taught by author Dena Dyer.
July 19-20, 2008 – Attended “Time to Write” retreat at The Haven River Inn sponsored by Lambs Tale Ministries with author Jane Rubietta and author/editor Chris Tiegreen.
July 17, 2008 – Attended “Writing Personal Essays” class taught be Dena Dyer through Community Ed.
Apr. 26, 2008 – Attended Austin SCBWI Conference “Write Deep in the Heart of Texas” with editor, Deborah Wayshak, Candlewick, editor Alvina Lang, Little Brown, and agent Erin Murphy.
Mar. 15, 2008 – Attended SCBWI-SWTX San Antonio meeting, editor Madeline Smoot speaker, “Working with the Small Press.”
Jan. 12, 2008 – Attended Austin SCBWI meeting to hear author/poet Jane Ann Peddicord.
Nov. 9-11, 2007 – Attended Children's writers workshop in Boerne for Writers Master Class with author Jane Yolen.
Jan. 17, 2007 – Completed Kerrville Independent School District on-line course: "Creating a Sense of Place" with instructor/author Eva Shaw.
Nov. 11, 2006 – Attended SCBWI–SWTX conference in San Antonio, “Wise Words, Perfect Pictures: And How to Get Them Published!” with agent, Jennifer Jager from the Andrea Brown Literary Agency; Lauren Velevis, editor with HarperCollins and Allyssa Eisner Henkin, editor with Simon & Schuster.
Oct. 21, 2006 – Attended SCBWI-Austin 2007 "Follow Me" Fall Conference with Bruce Coville (author), Sara Crowe (agent), Esther Hershenhorn (author), and Lynne Polvino (editor, Clarion). Critique with Lynne Polvino.
July 8, 2006 – Attended Austin SCBWI meeting with author Dianna Hutts Aston.
July 7, 2006 – Completed author Anastasia Suen’s online class, “Writing Poetry for Children.”
Feb. 13, 2006 – Completed FISD Community Ed. Class, “So You Want to Write a Novel,” taught by Donald Manusos.
Nov. 12, 2005 – Attended SCBWI-SWTX “Dreams Do Come True” Conference with Arianne Lewin (Hyperion) and Rick Riordan (author). Critique with Robyn Conley (the Book Doctor), Larry Rosler (Boyds Mills Press).
Oct. 8, 2005 – Attended SCBWI Austin “Follow Me” Fall Conference with Melanie Cecka (Bloomsbury), Mark McVeigh, (Dutton), and Stephen Fraser (Literary Agent). Critique with Stephen Fraser.
Aug. 1–3, 2005 – Attended “Writing That Changes Lives” writers seminar at The Haven River Inn in Comfort, TX, sponsored by Lambs Tale Ministries with authors Jane Rubietta and Lynn Austin.
Apr. 6, 2005 – Completed Creative Writing class with author Kristi Gedeon through FISD Community Ed.
Mar. 5, 2005 – Attended Austin SCBWI workshop with children’s author Lisa Wheeler, “Picture Books From Beginning to End: The Rules, The Rhymes & The Reasons.”
Jan. 22, 2005 – Attended SCBWI-SWTX workshop: “Sharpening Your Skills: Improve your Wonderful Writing and Impressive Illustrating” with author Kristi Holl and illustrator Joy Fisher Hein.
Nov. 6, 2004 – Attended San Antonio Writers Guild Seminar with Dr. Marian Martinello – “Search for Stories: A Model for Humanities Detective Work” (researching historical fiction).
Nov. 4, 2004 – Attended SAWG meeting with author Rick Riordan, speaker.
Oct. 16, 2004 – Attended Austin SCBWI Fall Conference “Follow Me.”
Sept. 18, 2004 – Attended Austin SCBWI meeting, author Jane Peddicord, children’s poetry.
Sept. 11, 2004 – Attended SWTX-SCBWI meeting, author Peggy Caravantes, “Nuts & Bolts of Submitting.”
Aug. 4, 5, 6, 2004 – Attended The Haven River Inn in Comfort “Words for Writers: Rest, Write, Renew” with authors Jane Rubietta and Lynn Austin sponsored by Lambs Tale Ministries.
July 1, 2004 – Attended SAWG meeting with speaker, poet Wendy Barker.
May 6, 2004 – Attended SAWG meeting with speaker Karin Ireland, children’s picture book author, speaker.
Mar. 19, 2004 – Attended SCBWI-SWTX meeting San Antonio – children’s picture book biography author/illustrator Don Brown speaker.
Sept. 13, 2003 – Attended SCBWI-SWTX workshop with Hannah Rogers, assistant editor with Houghton-Mifflin.
Aug. 16, 2003 – Attended Austin SCBWI “Standing Room Only” workshop with author Kathi Appelt.
July 2003 – Completed Ed 2 Go on-line course, “Keys to Effective Editing”, taught by Jacquelyn Landis.
May 31, 2003 – Attended SCBWI-SWTX “Editing Excellence” clinic.
May 17, 2003 – Attended Austin SCBWI “Editor’s Spring Fling” conference; critique with editor Yolanda Leroy, Charlesbridge Publishing.
Apr. 25, 26, 27, 2003 – Attended local poetry retreat/seminar at Way of the Wolf taught by poet and author Lianne Mercer.
Apr. 2003 – Completed Ed 2 Go on-line course, “Pleasures of Poetry”, taught by poet Melody Gough.
Mar. 2003 – Attended SCBWI-SWTX Critique Clinic.
Jan. 25, 2003 – Attended SAWG workshop “Working with Agents” featuring Evan Fogelman and Helen Brown from the Evan Fogelman Literary Agency.
Nov, 2002 – Attended Hi-Lo Workshop in San Antonio taught by Kathleen Muldoon, sponsored by SCBWI-SWTX.
Oct. 30-Nov. 20, 2002 – Completed Creative Writing Class II taught by Kristi Gedeon through FISD Community Ed.
Sept., 18-Oct. 16, 2002 – Completed Creative Writing Class taught by Kristi Gedeon through FISD Community Ed.
June, 19, 20, 21,2002 – Attended writer’s seminar at The Haven River Inn in Comfort, TX, sponsored by Lamb's Tale Ministries lead by authors Jane Rubietta and Nancy Groom.
July 26, 2001 – Became founding member of local women’s writers group, Hill Country Women of Words.
June, 27, 28, 29, 2001 – Attended writer’s seminar at The Haven River Inn in Comfort, TX, sponsored by Lamb's Tale Ministries and lead by authors Jane Rubietta and Nancy Groom.
*** SCBWI-SWTX – Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators South West Texas
in San Antonio, Texas
Austin SCBWI – Austin, Texas, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators
SAWG – San Antonio Writers Guild, San Antonio, Texas