In my 68 years, I’ve toiled at a variety of jobs. I’ve cleaned out horse stables, babysat (discovered I preferred cleaning out the horse stables), sold Avon, worked in a gift shop, done secretarial work in various offices, worked as a legal secretary, and owned my own sandwich shop.
I found both in a wonderful writers group, Hill Country Women of Words. Through them, I discovered the keys to being a successful writer: persistence and a teachable spirit. Without their encouragement and advice, fellowship and faith, my words would have languished inside me and would never have darkened a written page. It is my joy to have created and to monitor their web site.
Another discovery came in finding that I love to do writers market research. Some call it procrastination from writing when I should be writing, but I call it a warm-up exercise. Either way, if you have an interest in writing for the Christian market, the anthology market, the children’s market, the poetry market, or any other genre that I might stumble across, please check out my blog for writers, Christian Writers Submission Information and join my email list. Just drop me a note at sally@sallyclark.info and your inbox will soon be overflowing. It is entirely free to join and I will never sell or give your email to anyone else.
And if you haven't gotten your fill of me yet, drop on over to my blogsite, Pocket Poems, and see what thoughts, poems, or reflections have been wandering through my mind most recently...I would love to hear from you!